UPDATE: Our chick has hatched and we have our first full reveal @ 20:57 after first appearing @ 20:55
On March 9th at 5:30 am, the male Cahow in the CahowCam2 burrow briefly left the nest to chase away another prospecting Cahow, revealing for the first time to the team and online viewers a fully "pipping" egg.
Click for closeup
In the video, his vocalizations are audible, followed by peeping from inside the egg as the chick responds.
The hatching process began on March 5th when "dimples" (small dents in the egg) were first observed by Jeremy. These dimples develop into "pips" once they pierce the membrane and eggshell. After this stage, the chick must fully hatch within a few days to avoid dehydration.
According to Jeremy's experience, if everything proceeds smoothly, the egg should now be on track to fully hatch within the next day or so, although it could happen within hours of this posting (written on Sunday afternoon).
Watch the LiveStream and stay tuned for updates.