This is the Archive of the 2019/2020 “CahowCams” Nesting Season, broadcasting from the underground nesting burrows of the Bermuda Petrel or "Cahow". They are IUCN Red Listed, one of the rarest seabirds on the planet and nest only on Nonsuch Island and a few outer rocks in Bermuda. Thought extinct for 300+ years, 17 pairs were re-discovered in the 1950's, since when thanks to a very successful management plan and more recent translocation project they are back up to 135+ pairs.
2019 /2020 Season Archive
Jeremy confirms 1st 2020 Cahow egg.
After a very active November 2019 courtship and nest building period, the Cahows spent December 2019 back out at sea to re-energize and the females returned in early January 2020 to lay their single egg, which if viable will hatch in early March.
The LIVE Stream Cams below, are lit by our custom built 960nm infrared lights which are completely invisible to the birds and our whole system is solar powered. If you would like alerts for significant events or tour opportunities, be sure to sign up to our Newsletter.
UPDATE: January 7th 2020 | 00:16 AM As predicted by Jeremy one of the pair from CahowCam 1 has returned!
UPDATE: January 7th 2020 | 08:00 AM Generally the female is the first to return, but having spoken to Jeremy, the fact that there wasn't an egg as of 8am might have indicated that this was is in fact the male. See video.
UPDATE: January 8th 2020 | 07:45 PM We can now confirm that the bird in the nest yesterday was the male.
UPDATE: January 10th 2020 | 02:05 AM The female finally arrives and is greeted by the male who has been waiting for her over the past few days.
UPDATE: January 10th 2020 | 03:12 AM She has laid her egg, as predicted barely an hour after arrival.
UPDATE: January 15th 2020 | 7:45 PM We now have a return in CahowCam 2, if it is the female the egg should be expected shortly…
UPDATE: January 18th 2020 | 1:58 AM The bird in the nest for the past few days was the in fact the male. The female returned at 1:58 AM and had laid and revealed her egg by 3:02 AM.
UPDATE: February 28th 2020 | 3:00 PM We are now on Hatching Alert, watch CahowCam 1 below
Jeremy Madeiros, Chief Terrestrial Conservation Officer: "The egg in the CahowCam1 burrow was laid on January 10th making today its 49th day and even though Cahow eggs have an average incubation period of 53 days, I have logged incubation periods ranging from 49 to 58 days. In fact this same pair in 2017 had a chick hatch after only 50 days, so if all goes well, it could hatch today, or anytime over the next few days..."
UPDATE: February 28th 2020 | 11:50PM The CahowCam1 chick has hatched! Watch replay and health check video here and ongoing LIVEstream below.
UPDATE: March 6th 2020 | We are now on a hatch watch for CahowCam2 as it is in its 48th day of incubation. Watch LIVE below.
UPDATE: March 8th 2020 | We are hearing an increased amount of sporadic peeping from under the parent and whilst it has not revealed the egg (or a chick) over the past few hours, it is not uncommon for the chick to communicate with the parent throughout the hatching process which can take 24 hours or longer once the egg has "pipped". It appears however to be in the more advanced stages of hatching based on the increased amount of noise and the parents’ activity..
UPDATE: March 8th 12:46 | The chick that we have been listening to has finally been revealed! Watch LIVE below.
UPDATE: March 21st | Coronavirus Update and CahowCam 1 & 2 Health Checks
UPDATE: April 30th | Stormy Returns and we can confirm a new record of 134 Cahow breeding pairs!
UPDATE: June 10th | Both of our CahowCam chicks have now fledged!
Weight / growth chart for the chicks in Nonsuch colonies A & B
Watch the Cams LIVE here
( The 2020 Season is now over and the cameras are offline for maintenance )
CahowCam 1
May 24 UPDATE - The CahowCam1 chick has been named “Nemo” and is expected to fledge tonight or in the next few nights, be sure to follow on Cam1 and the SurfaceCam below.
May 25 UPDATE - At 2:03 am “Nemo” our recently named CahowCam 1 chick fledged! Learn More and Watch Replay
( The 2020 Season is now over and the cameras are offline for maintenance )
CahowCam 2
UPDATE June 10th | Our CahowCam2 chick recently named Zephyr fledged at 10:32 pm Watch a Replay Here
( The 2020 Season is now over and the cameras are offline for maintenance )
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