The 2016 Cahow nesting Season is shaping up to potentially break records, here are the current statistics in relation to the 2014 and 2015 seasons as provided by Jeremy Madeiros:
Total number of breeding pairs in the entire Colony (Pairs that produced an egg, whether it hatched or not):
- 2014: 108 of which 59 were confirmed as successfully fledged giving a breeding success rate of 54.6%
- 2015: 111 of which 53 were confirmed as successfully fledged giving a breeding success rate of 47.7%
- 2016: 114 of which as of March 9th, 35 are confirmed as having hatched thus far.
Total number of breeding pairs in the Nonsuch Translocation Colony (Pairs that produced an egg, whether it hatched or not):
- 2014: 13 of which 9 were confirmed as successfully fledged giving a Nonsuch breeding success rate of 69.2%
- 2015: 14 of which 9 were confirmed as successfully fledged giving a Nonsuch breeding success rate of 64.2%
- 2016: 15 of which as March 9th, 6 have hatched thus far.