The primary 2014 Cahow Cam has been installed in burrow # 831 on Nonsuch Island.
The chick (since named "Lightning") was confirmed as hatched on March 2nd 2014.
It's parents were both translocated to Nonsuch in 2006, returned in 2009 and hatched their first chick in 2010. The male is band # E0197 and the female is band # E0212.
This egg was first confirmed on the 10th of January.
On the 4th of March the chick weighed 52 grams
On the 15th of March the chick weighed 179 grams
On the 14th of April the chick weighed 371 grams and had a wing chord of 94mm
* We have weights and measurements at more or less 2 to 3 day intervals (weather permitting) which we will post shortly.