BHS Student Nina Wehmeyer was awarded the top collector award for her efforts during the recent Nonsuch Expeditions pilot biodiversity program as part of BHS's STEAM week.
The two day program which was incorporated into the recent round of ongoing Nonsuch Expeditions biodiversity photography was a great success with students participating in the exploration of the Hungry Bay coastal and mangrove habitats and assisting Specialist Marine Collector Chris Flook with the collection of specimens that were then documented by National Geographic photographer David Liittschwager and LookBermuda's J-P Rouja.
Ms. Wehmeyer assisted in the collection of several unique specimens including a frogfish and small squid, a print of which was presented to her during the BHS final assembly by Head of School Linda Parker.
"I would just like to thank you so much for the picture of the squid I received from Ms. Gunther. I really appreciate it a lot and I will treasure it. Also thank you very much for the opportunity to learn and explore with you and the rest of the team with my school over the two days last week, I really enjoyed it and it has opened a new door of interest, which I now have in the ocean and coastal life. I hope in the future I will come across other opportunities to work with you again to further add to the knowledge I have gained."
Nina Wehmeyer